Staff Networks

The Partnership Staff Networks are an integral part of an effective menu of EDI resources designed to promote diversity and inclusion in our workplace.

They bring together and provide a safe and confidential platform for colleagues with shared, and intersectional identities. They provide opportunities to discuss, celebrate and have a collective voice on the issues and topics that matter to them, and which impacts some of our most underrepresented groups across the wider organisations.

Led by our Partnership Staff Networks Coordinator, much progress has been made to develop our networks. We currently have ten active staff networks for Race, Disability, Women, LGBTQ+ and Peer Support Work.

In collaboration, we have for the third year created a well-received Equality, Diversity and Inclusion and Mental Health Calendar/ Forward Planner. This interactive resource is multi-functional as hardcopy and digital, and helps staff across the Partnership plan awareness, cultural and multifaith events, activities and training.

Staff Networks have also been instrumental in galvanising staff inclusivity or representing members in matters which affect or impact them such as the NHS Staff Survey, People and Organisational Development activities and the new Partnership arrangements, co-production and co-design.

Contact the Partnership Staff Networks at:

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